Testing Hugo as blog engine with Org-mode
Hugo blog engine
HUGO is a blog engine made with Go language similar to Jekyll and Hexo. Usually you write your posts on Markdown and this type of framework generate a static HTML web that you can host whatever you want including GitHub or GitLab personal blogs.
Native support for Org-mode format
HUGO has native support for org-mode format that you can use instead traditional markdown. If you know Emacs & Org-mode that's a significant advantage.
Code blocks
Using Org-mode as front matter for Hugo I can easily reuse almost all content I previously collected in org-mode files, including code snippets.
import Foundation
struct Project {
var startDate: Date
var duration: Int?
var dayChecks: [DayCheck] = []
struct DayCheck {
var day: Date
var mark = false
Next thing to try
Searching about adding resources to post seems that Hugo has problems with traditional link format to add images on Org-mode.